Judy Blankenship

Judy Blankenship photo

Judy Blankenship is an award-winning photographer, writer and editor who lived many years in Canada and Latin American before settling back in the U.S. in Portland, Oregon. Since 2005 she lives half years in Cañar, Ecuador with her husband Michael Jenkins. Her photographs are in the collections of the national library and museums in Costa Rica and Ecuador. She has authored two books about her life and work in Ecuador: Cañar: A Year in the Highlands of Ecuador, short-listed for the 2006 Oregon Book Awards, and Our House in the Clouds: Building a Second Life in the Andes of Ecuador (2013) both published by University of Texas Press. She is co-editor with Andrew Wilson of Tell Mother I’m in Paradise: Memoirs of a Political Prisoner in El Salvador by Ana Margarita Gasteazoro, University of Alabama Press (2022) and a Spanish version, Díganle a mi madre que estoy en el paraíso: Memorias de una prisionera politíca en El Salvador published by Aristata Press (2022). Photography awards include the Oregon Arts Council, Canada Council, Ontario Arts Council and Thanks Be to Grandmother Winifred Foundation. She has received three Fulbright research and teaching fellowships for her photography work in Ecuador (2000, 2005, 2013-14) and an Organization of American States award. Her digital and physical photography archives from her work in Central America and Ecuador are housed at the Benson Library Latin American Collection, University of Texas, Austin.

Aristata Press Titles:

Díganle a mi madre que estoy en el paraíso: Memorias de una prisionera politíca en El Salvador

Release date: October 15, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7362316-5-4 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-7362316-4-7 (ebook)

Book Summary:

DÍGANLE A MI MADRE QUE ESTOY EN EL PARAÍSO recoge las memorias de una joven salvadoreña de espíritu curioso y rebelde, que la lleva a recorrer el mundo. Al regresar a su patria, se inserta en las luchas sociales para transformar una historia marcada por dictaduras militares. Primero se incorpora al Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (MNR); y es testigo del asesinato de algunos de sus dirigentes. Posteriormente se une a la lucha clandestina. Es capturada por la Guardia Nacional; y convive con el horror de las torturas a prisioneros políticos. Estuvo dos años en la prisión de mujeres de Ilopango: una íntima experiencia que narra con pinceladas de profundo humanismo, al tiempo que relata parte de la historia salvadoreña del siglo XX. Estas memorias, grabadas en su propia voz, ahora se publican para cumplir el deseo de Ana antes de morir de cáncer el 30 de enero de 1993. MUPI (Museo de la Palabra y de la Imagen).

Other Titles:

Cañar: A Year in the Highlands of Ecuador, University of Texas Press, 2006.

Our House in the Clouds: Building a Second Life in the Andes of Ecuador, University of Texas Press, 2013.

Tell Mother I’m in Paradise: Memoirs of a Political Prisoner in El Salvador by Ana Margarita Gasteazoro, University of Alabama Press, 2022.

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